John Waters -- the man responsible for cult classics like , and -- isn't easily shocked. In fact, he's better known for shocking audiences with his movies; in
Pink Flamingos alone he explored everything from exhibitionism, voyeurism, sodomy, masturbation, gluttony, vomiting, rape, incest, murder and cannibalism. (He was never known for creating quality family fare.)
Promoting his Christmas tour, he was interviewed by late night talk show host Stephen Colbert.
Colbert wanted to know if anything could actually shock Waters.
“Well, the election shocked me, certainly,” he answered. But he isn't worried about Trump.
“I lived through Nixon, I lived through Reagan who said there wasn’t anything to AIDS…so we can deal with him,” he said. “Trump at least has met a gay person, but Pence is the one I’m really worried about. To me, the whole thing about Pence is his policies are so terrible. With gay people, he wanted to not have AIDS funding and give it to conversion therapy. Well, even Pence wouldn’t want me to be straight. I mean, would I be doing the Electric Slide and ogling Tiffany Trump? It’s hard to imagine.”
More interesting is Waters' Christmas wish list. On it: dangerous toys and a sex club!