January 18, 2017 | Online

YouTube is quite clear that porn is not allowed on its site. However, the company may be playing host to several pirated X-rated videos and there seems to be little it can do about it.
Google, which owns YouTube, relies on viewers to flag inappropriate content. It also uses Content-ID software, which scans videos and compares them to copyright protected material.
Pirates are avoiding being flagged by YouTube users -- and, at the same time, avoiding system administrators and Content-ID software -- by not publicly listing their videos. This means that the material cannot be stumbled upon through a typical YouTube search.
These private videos cannot be embedded on another site, but hackers have created a workaround and found a way to share the content by streaming the raw data from googlevideo.com -- a domain operated by Google.
"Copyright infringers take advantage of a private-video-share setting," porn company Dreamroom Productions said. "They upload and store videos, and freely use them on third party websites to earn profits."
The company said its material was often being pirated through YouTube. It would often take three weeks before the video-sharing company would respond to complaints.
"YouTube should be aware of this. They are allowing the situation to continue by not plugging this hole," the company said.