Tom Daley had some explaining to do after reports surfaced this week that he had online sex with a man who was not his future husband, Dustin Lance Black.
The Olympic diver shared some intimate pictures and video with the unnamed man. (Sadly, those pictures have yet to make it to the Internet.)
The "affair" took place while he and Black were on a secret seven month relationship break. Daley said he promised his fiancé that it would "never happen again."
"This will absolutely never happen again now that we’re getting married," . "The date is set, and we’re raring and ready to go for that wedding now."
He added: "I’m 22 years old, and if you talk to someone through social media it is what it is. It was nothing more than that. We never physically met."
He said the two have no secrets. "We’re honest and open about everything," he said. "When we were back together I told him everything. ... We’re soulmates — and the only way that we were going to get back to that point was to be honest, open and share everything that happened in our time away from each other."
Of course, Black had to forgive Daley; who could stay mad at that face (and body)!