February 2, 2017 | Online

A New York Man is holding Grindr responsible after a jilted ex-lover allegedly used the app to exact a little revenge.
Matthew Herrick claimed that his ex-boyfriend created several fake profiles on the hook-up app and then sent random men to Herrick's home and work for sex. One of the men even made it into Herrick's apartment building and then refused to leave; Herrick's roommate got into a physical altercation with the stranger when he tried to make him leave.
According to Herrick, his nightmare is not limited to one or two instances; he said that more than 700 men have been sent his way, In at least one case, Herrick's impersonator requested a "rape" scene, and promised that he'd say no to the encounter while really meaning yes.
“They were setting him up to be sexually assaulted,” said Herrick’s attorney Carrie Goldberg. “It’s just luck that it hasn’t happened yet.”
Herrick asserted he was in "a constant state of hyper-vigilance, afraid that Grindr has been used to incite or seduce the wrong person -- somebody who will make good on threats to attack or rape [me]."
When the fake Herrick tried to use the Scruff app in the same way, he was less successful. Herrick said his complaints to Scruff were dealt with quickly, and the company banned the account and prevented the same device and IP address from creating new accounts.
After over 50 complaints, Herrick said Grindr did nothing. Grindr has yet to respond the lawsuit.
His ex spoke with Wired magazine and denied the accusations against him.
Even if Herrick had done something terrible to his ex, this kind of revenge is uncalled for and dangerous. What happened to bleaching your ex-boyfriend's favorite jeans or using his picture for dart practice?
Spoofed Grindr accounts turned one man's life into "living hell" []