Debbie Harry, the lead singer from Blondie, is looking all kinds of amazing in the group's new video, "Fun." The single is a hint of what we can expect from the new album Pollinator, which will be released May 5, 2017.
And there's a lot of queer here. Harry came out as bisexual in 2014, stating that when it comes to relationships there are only a few things she needs. "I don’t know if I have any specific requirements," . "Just somebody nice, who has a good sense of humour and loves to have sex. What more could you ask for?"
She also stood up against Russia's anti-gay laws. When asked to perform at the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014, the band refused.
“Blondie has always been a part of the downtown community in NYC, with many, many friends who represent alternative lifestyles,” . “We feel very strongly about these friendships and associations, and don’t feel good about participating in a situation where biases and prejudices are paramount.”
She posted an image of the offer letter for the event, including her own handwrittern reply of "PASS, HUMAN RIGHTS" scrawled across it.
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