We dug back into our archive to bring you proof that the Easter Bunny can be a sexy(ish) mo-fo when he wants to be!
It's the love child of Dr Frank'n'Furter and the Easter Bunny.
We always suspected the Easter Bunny had a big basket.
Some more nice baskets from the bunny boys!
Thanks to Viagra, the Easter Bunny now has a place to hang his basket.
It's funny because it's true!
This is what happens when you cross the Easter Bunny and a bear.
No eggs? Just improvise!
The Easter Bunny hides the egg; the Big Bad Wolf tries to find the egg; and the sexy twink enjoys every minute of it.
Behind the scenes at the Easter Cream Egg factory.
A record begging to be broken!
Now that's a treasure trail!
'I've got a special cream-filled treat in my basket for you.'
It's the Easter Bunny's personal fluffer.
He's just happy he finally got that thing out!
The Easter Bunny secretly wanted to be the Tooth Fairy.
And now you know why we stay up late hoping to catch the Easter Bunny in action!
How the Easter Bunny spends the other 364 days of the year!
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