Porn stars, just like everyday Joes, can lean left or right when it comes to politics. Some are open about their positions (of the political sort) and some are more private.
Colby Keller is the former. He has strong opinions and he isn't afraid to share them. We knew he wasn't going to vote for Hillary Clinton. We knew he didn't mind if Donald Trump won, hoping to would create such a powerful groundswell of opposition that the current system would fail and a new, better, far left system would be put in place.
He even said he was going to vote for Trump. Yep, rather than voting for someone he believed would best reflect his views -- and we understand that would mean he couldn't support Clinton, either -- he decided to help release the current mess of an administration on the US.
He was asked to explain his views and recently agreed to do so again in an interview with online personality Chris Baker.
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