Morrissey seems to go to great lengths to not only get a little press, but to prove to the world just how much of a contrarian he is on any given topic.
His latest statements, which seem to defend the actions of Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein, have many people scratching their heads.
Spacey, of course, was outed as an abuser when Anthony Rapp revealed that at fourteen he was accosted by the older actor in a bedroom. Spacey apologized when the news came out, but since then other people have come forward as alleged victims.
Morrissey did not feel much sympathy for Rapp.
“As far as I know, he was in a bedroom with a 14-year-old. Kevin Spacey was 26, boy 14,” . “One wonders if the boy did not know what would happen. I do not know about you, but in my youth I have never been in situations like this. Never. I was always aware of what could happen. When you are in somebody’s bedroom, you have to be aware of where that can lead to. That’s why it does not sound very credible to me. It seems to me that Spacey has been attacked unnecessarily.”
Weinstein, a Hollywood producer, has also been accused of sexual assault by dozens of women. Again, Morrissey sided with the abuser.
“People know exactly what’s going on,” he declared. “And they play along. Afterwards, they feel embarrassed or disliked. And then they turn it around and say: ’I was attacked, I was surprised’. But if everything went well, and if it had given them a great career, they would not talk about it.”
But don't worry, because the singer thinks sexual assault is bad. Well, sort of ...
“I hate rape. I hate attacks. I hate sexual situations that are forced on someone. But in many cases one looks at the circumstances and thinks that the person who is considered a victim is merely disappointed.”
It's amazing someone this miserable is able to get up in the morning, let alone make music and tour.