Karamo Brown (pictured, far right) -- the culture expert on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy -- isn't apologizing for meeting with a homophobe.
Brown revealed that he went to the White House and met with Karen Pence, VP Mike Pence's wife. Brown said he was hoping to talk to her about funding for the arts as well as protections for the gay community.
“I just was at the White House a week ago and I met with Karen Pence and her chief of staff," "It was phenomenal to be able to go in there and discuss arts, but also to speak about LGBT issues.
“The thing is, no matter if someone has personal feelings about my sexuality, or how they view me, it’s my job to continue to show up in spaces and say, 'You know what, I can figure out how to work with you so that we can help future generations.'”
Karamo also said that the Second Lady is a fan of the show.
“I do not know if Karen Pence watches Queer Eye, but her staffers said she enjoys the show,” he explained.
Fellow Queer Eye guy Jonathan Van Ness cheekily chastised his co-star for the meeting.
"She's our biggest fan, she watches us every night," he joked. "Her and Dad like to watch it every night in their modesty outfits, but they watch it completely separated because it's improper to look at each other face to face while you watch gay men."
Van Ness added: "She doesn't like you, girl! She don't like us!"
The second season of make-overs is now available on Netflix.