Gavin Whyte, a professional soccer player in Northern Ireland, has been accused of "masturbating in the street" after video surfaced of him waving his cock around with a buddy.
The Oxford football club, who he plays for, released a statement about the incident.
"Gavin was filmed behaving in a way that is clearly unacceptable from a professional footballer and we will work with both Gavin and the Irish FA (Football Association) to ensure that he is aware of his responsibilities," it said.
Although it is obvious that Whyte was drunk and just horsing around, he could be charged with Outraging Public Decency.
"Police are aware of a video on social media and are conducting enquiries into the matter," said a spokesperson for the Police Service of Northern Ireland.
Listen, if Whyte wants to come over and wave his junk on our street, we won't be complaining!
Footballer Gavin Whyte and friend "helicoptering" in the streets
— The Late-Night Blog ()
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