You may not be familiar with name Daniel McGraffin, but if you love Lucas Entertainment videos then you have definitely seen him in action. The former British soldier goes by the name
Geordie Jackson in his scenes.
He recently appeared in a documentary for the UK's Channel 5 called The Sex Business: Swinging Both Ways, and in it Jackson explained how as a man who identifies "a hundred per cent straight" he was drawn gay porn.
A big reason: the money. He said that he was having trouble finding work following some time in military jail.
"I was in the artillery for six years; it was decided from when I was a kid. I just knew I was going in the army," . "It turns you, it changes you. I was the JCB driver so I was driving vans down to the big tanks and I was barely getting any sleep.
"You're the first one up and the last one working. I snapped, I lost my head, we had two weeks off and never went back. I was AWOL for a year."
This led to eight months in military prison. He found a few odd jobs once he got out.
"When I was working as a DJ, there was a fan of mine, a girl, who worked as a dominatrix. She tells me about this guy, she says 'he's totally straight but does gay porn.'
Jackson gave it a try and began to make some good money. He then reached out to Lucas Entertainment and landed a three year contract.
"I did look into straight porn, in gay porn there's way less competition, and there's no money in straight porn," he explained. "Lucas Entertainment are the biggest gay porn company in the world. For a straight guy, there's way more money in gay porn."
His girlfriend Freya doesn't seem at all concerned about what he does.
"It's fake. People say he must be a little bit gay," she argued. "When he gets back [from a shoot], he doesn't want to think about anyone with a dick. People can sit at home and think he's gay, but he's not, so whatever."
"People outside the industry think I must be gay," he confirmed. "They don't know the tricks of the trade. They say 'you look like you're enjoying it.' And I say, 'thanks, that means I'm a good actor'."
Check out more of his work