On Monday, Canada's Justice Minister David Lametti that would make it illegal to practice conversion therapy on a minor. It would also be illegal to make a profit off of it, even if working with an adult client.
"Today, I am happy to share that we have made significant progress in addressing an issue that is close to the hearts of many Canadians, our promise to protect Canadians from conversion therapy," Lametti said Monday.
"We're telling doctors and professionals that we want to see this act eradicated. I'm not sure I can make that more clear."
The bill specifically targets:
causing a minor to undergo conversion therapy;
removing a minor from Canada to undergo conversion therapy abroad;
causing a person to undergo conversion therapy against their will;
profiting from providing conversion therapy; and
advertising an offer to provide conversion therapy.
The governing Liberals do not have enough votes to pass the legislation without help from another party. The NDP has stated it would support the bill, and the Bloc Québécois is planning to vote for it.
"I'm very happy to see that the government has advanced this bill quickly. We will work with them to ensure it achieves the goal of being the most comprehensive bill banning conversion therapy in the world," said NDP MP Randall Garrison.
Even if the Conservative Party vote against the legislation, it looks likely the bill will pass.
So far, Nova Scotia, P.E.I., Manitoba and Ontario are the only provinces to adopt laws to ban the practice in their health care systems.
"This legislation will save countless LGBTQ young lives," said The Trevor Project's Troy Stevenson.