For years, Billy Santoro was one of the more successful porn stars, working for everyone from to Lucas Entertainment to Falcon Studios. However, a recent rash of embarrassing blunders and bad choices has seen the former star losing his shine.
His latest bit of trouble seems to have occurred Down Under. On Monday, reported on the antics of a gay porn couple who were annoying their neighbors with endless sexcapades. The couple were holding "meet and greets" which defied rules on social distancing. Police were called to the apartment on three different occasions.
The owners of the building where the two are living have had enough and are demanding the guys change their ways or face litigation.
Santoro and his husband, Gage, currently living in Australia, have acknowledged the drama. However, they are blaming it all on prudish neighbors.
"DRAMA - Yet not a single neighbour has approached us directly about anything," . "We chose to be CovidSafe by filming at home. Yes, we do kink/BDSM porn which can get loud."
Of course, inviting people over is as bad as going out so we're not sure how safe they think they're being. And most of their neighbours definitely don't need to hear spanking and moaning every night at dinner time.
This is just another bit of bad news for Santoro.
After posting racist comments online earlier this year, his site was dropped by both its hosting service and billing company. . Santoro claimed, at the time, that he was “full of emotional stress” after the death of a friend; he deleted the bigoted tweet, but the damage was done.
Gage then claimed to be leaving Billy, saying the racism was the last straw. Billy's alleged suicide attempt -- something people said was just an act -- brought the two back together.
And Billy's former partner, Seth, has repeatedly for being an abusive partner, and for using meth.
Billy actually announced at the beginning of October that he was addicted to the drug and currently working on recovery from it. He said much of his past behavior is due to the addiction.
Obviously, this is someone who needs a lot of help figuring out his life. Hopefully he gets it before it is too late.
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