You are about to see more butt flesh on popular hookup app Grindr's public profiles, as the company recently updated its rules when it comes to nudity.
Before you get too excited, you still can't post that close-up of your rosebud on your public profile. The company explained that it still needed to limit suggestive content in order to meet the requirements placed on them by the various app platforms (including Apple and Google).
“In general, our guidelines are very similar to Instagram and YouTube in terms of what we do and don’t allow,” . “That said, there will always be images that push the limits of what is clearly allowed, and we do have to draw the line to prohibit what the app stores consider pornography.'”
To help, they have trained their human moderators to be less aggressive when blocking images.
The following is Not Allowed in your public profile
-Pornographic images & depictions of sex acts
-Full frontal or graphic nudity
The following is Allowed in your public profile
-People of all bodies (all ethnicities, all sizes, all genders, and all identities) expressing their sexuality joyfully
-Underwear photos
-Non-pornographic sexual poses
-Some images of buttocks if they are non-graphic and without an overly sexual context
Still confused? Grindr released some graphics to help explain the new bum policy. And just to be clear, the above rules don't apply to your private photos, so feel free to keeping sharing your hole via messaging.
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