Cocks are sweet no matter the size, but who can deny the beauty of a big fat schlong? Okay, a few people don't like them, but for the majority who prefer some extra meat between a man's legs Taschen Books has released "" just for you.
"Big shoulders, big lapels, and big hair may come and go, but the big penis never goes out of fashion," the publisher says. "With those possessing more than 8 inches (20 cm) making up less than 2% of the world’s population, this rare accessory will always fascinate."
Of course, that would mean half the guys on are lying. Say it isn't so!
The book is a collection of over 400 photos, with works from such noted photographers as Bob Mizer of Athletic Model Guild, David Hurles of Old Reliable, Colt, Falcon, Sierra Domino, Third World, and Champion Studios.
Shame this isn't a pop-up book...
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