Policy manager for Xbox Live, Stephen Toulouse, met with the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) to talk about homophobia after a player complained that not only was she harassed by other players, but she was was also banned from Xbox Live because her sexuality was deemed offensive to other players.
"Microsoft does nothing to stop this or prevent it, but instead sides with the homophobes," she said. "No one will help me get the word out about Microsoft's anti-gay policy. Not even the HRC who says Microsoft has a positive image with them. Not to me it doesn't."
Toulouse felt the meeting was successful. "I think it was a great engagement. Justin and Jeffrey who came out from GLAAD really appreciated the effort that we're putting into it - and had great ideas."
Maybe someone should create some powerful Drag Queen super characters and can go all Stonewall on these homophobes' asses, hiding in the shadows of anonymity behind their computer screens. Crush those 10-year-old bigots!
Microsoft teams up with GLAAD to fight for gay rights []
Microsoft Meets With GLAAD Over Xbox Live Issues []
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