Looks like the boys over at Swinging Richards, a North Miami Beach-based gay male strip club, can now shake their groove thang (and their penises) after winning the right to dance naked.
North Miami Beach's city council has agreed to "grandfather in" nude dancing for the club, which would have been forced to stop based upon a 1994 bylaw. The bar said they were being discriminated against; before they opened, two straight bars were allowed to have naked female dancers without incident. However, once the gay bar came into town, the city decided to enforce the rule.
"We were not causing a problem, but giving people a good time," Swinging Richards' owner C.B. Jones said. “It isn’t really a victory when you just win what you should have had in the first place."
Jones had planned to sue the city if it didn't back down.
“All parties concerned thought that the lawsuit was strong enough to prevail," Jones explained. "It was a better move to rewrite an old ordinance into a better ordinance which is more in step with modern times.”
Swing free, men. Swing free!
Gay Miami Strip club, Swinging Richards, Wins Stunning Victory Against the City []
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