Lawyer Lisa Biron could be spending the next 25 years in jail; on Thursday, a jury convicted her of filming men having sex with her 14-year-old daughter. Also alleged, but not proven, was that Biron also filmed herself with her daughter.
Biron, from Manchester, New Hampshire, was associated with the Alliance Defending Freedom (formerly known as the Alliance Defense Fund), an anti-gay Christian law group.
The Arizona-based ADF considers itself a “servant ministry” that advocates “for religious liberty, the sanctity of life, and marriage and family.” It also warns against the “the homosexual agenda” and offers a $35 book that claims “the homosexual agenda” will destroy religious liberty and free speech. The book also insists that homosexuality on college campuses leads to pedophilia, and that homosexuality and pedophilia “are intrinsically linked.”
Not surprisingly, once Biron was arrested the ADF quickly removed any mention of her from both its website and Facebook page. According to Joe.My.God., the group continued to remove mentions of her from its Facebook page yesterday and actually banned anyone who posted anything about her.
Biron, though not a formal employee of the ADF, had been a member of the ADF “Honor Corps,” the group created to recognize allied attorneys who complete 450 hours of pro bono service for the group and to award and recognize “significant milestones” in service.
And another hypocrite bites the dust.
Anti-Gay Activist Lawyer Convicted Of Child Pornography For Filming 14-Year-Old Daughter []
Lawyer with Anti-Gay Christian Litigation Group ... Guilty of Child Porn Charges []
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