This, friends, is the bum (well, half the bum) of one of pop-dom's biggest names: Justin Bieber. The image was released on his Instagram account, and then quickly deleted. Luckily, as with all things on the Internet, it was quickly copied by adoring (or horny) fans before being removed.
After deleting the image, Justin's only comment was to tweet: "Ha ha!"
Maybe he was really sending a subtle message to James Franco. Franco recently released a video of himself lip-synching to the Bieber hit 'Boyfriend.' He was asked to remove it from YouTube after getting word from Bieber's people that they weren't impressed with it.
"I was asked to take it down by some people," Franco said. "Bieber didn't contact me, but I don't think he was too happy. I wasn't trying to diss him."
Franco left the video online. (And he really does give good Biebs.)
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