The Russian Parliament will likely pass a bill that will outlaw what it calls "gay propaganda," maybe as early as this week.
A similar measure was already passed in St. Petersburg. That law criminalizes “public actions aimed at propaganda of pederasty, lesbianism, bisexuality and transgenderism among minors,” and makes Gay Pride parades and gay rights demonstrations illegal.
Many of Russia's political and religious leaders support the push for repressing gay men and lesbians by trampling on freedom of expression.
“Until this scum gets off of Russian land, I fully share the views of those who are trying to purge our motherland of it,” Rev. Sergiy Rybko said. “We either become a tolerant Western state where everything is allowed — and lose our Christianity and moral foundations — or we will be a Christian people who live in our God-protected land in purity and godliness.”
Pavel Samburov received 30 days detention and a fine of $16 for kissing his boyfriend during a protest for gay rights. If the Russian bill passes, the fine would be $16,000, and likely a longer stay in jail.
It's nice to know that Russia has absolutely no interest in joining the 21st century anytime soon.
Russia pushes ban on ‘homosexual propaganda []
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