March 11, 2014 | Online

Popular app Vine - which allows users to create short video clips and embed them online - has said adult content will no longer be allowed.
“As we’ve watched the community and your creativity grow and evolve, we’ve found that there’s a very small percentage of videos that are not a good fit for our community,” the Vine team wrote on the app's blog Thursday. “So we’re making an update to our Rules and Terms of Service to prohibit explicit sexual content.”
This means that over the next few months, not only will explicit content be removed, but user accounts that upload the unwanted material will be closed.
“We don’t have a problem with explicit sexual content on the Internet,” Vine added. “We just prefer not to be the source of it.”
Yahoo! Groups did the same thing a few years ago, and look at them now!
The actual purge has yet to begin. You can check out some great vines with sexy men