The US company behind
One Erection condoms is facing a major lawsuit. One Direction's management is considering taking Rip N Roll - whose condoms feature a cartoon illustration of Niall, Liam, Zayn, Harry and Louis as condoms - to court for exploiting the band's name.
"Stay "UP ALL NIGHT" with these FDA approved ONE ERECTION condoms," the product blurb reads. "There is only one direction to go with these babies and that is UP!"
Rip N Roll is selling the condoms for $2.95, or 1000 for $300.
According to a source, the boys in the band think the idea is hilarious and even joked about buying some. However, the group's managers are not at all impressed and want "lawyers to stop [Rip N Roll] shamefully exploiting the band to sell condoms."
One Direction's management team may take legal action over 'One Erection' condoms []