Barry Manilow has been setting off gaydar around the world since gaydar was first discovered. But the superstar has never publicly come out as queer.
So when the ever reliable National Enquirer published a story yesterday claiming the singer married his longtime partner and manager Garry Kief in a private ceremony last year, we didn't give it much credence. Gay yes, but secretly married? Probably not.
Well, People magazine - which is a somewhat more reliable gossip rag - is now claiming that it has been able to confirm that the wedding took place.
"It was a surprise," an unnamed friend said. Apparently, "20 to 30 guests" had been told they were attending a "lunch," only to discover they were at a private ceremony.
No paperwork was signed, though both grooms are said to be wearing wedding bands.
"They have a great relationship," said another source. "Garry has always been there for Barry."
According to the Enquirer:
...the happy duo did not file the paperwork to formalize their union out of fear the big news would leak, sources said.
"Barry is paranoid that his fans would not approve of him being gay, when in reality, many have suspected it for years – and most wouldn’t care,” the source said. “They would be happy for him!”
Manilow's rep has refused to confirm the reports.
Surprise! Barry Manilow Has Married His Manager Garry Kief []