According to a new study, men who fall into the "bear" category -- gays who are big and hairy -- are more likely suffer from low self-esteem. Because of this, they are also more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior.
conducted the study by breaking down the findings of 11 research papers. It discovered that bears often struggle more with their sexuality and body image, finding it harder to fit in.
“Before discovering the bear community, members have described harassment and discrimination from both heterosexuals and homosexuals throughout their lifespan based on weight, which led to lower self-esteem,” researchers said. “Perpetuating this perception of low self-esteem is the stereotypical image of a gay man who is usually young, slim, and smooth-skinned, an image which many men who identify as bears do not fit.”
The result: a greater likelihood of engaging in unprotected anal sex, fisting, asphyxiation, voyeurism and exhibitionism. An exact percentage of this increased likelihood was not given.
“Despite the health risks that are associated with increased BMI, the promotion of certain physical appearance that includes a higher BMI is important for men who identify as bears,” the paper added. “It helps them to recognise one another, strengthen communal bonds, and promote a gay identity that is masculine, sexual, and mature.”
So next time you're out, give a bear a big hug and tell him he matters! (Just make sure it's not a real bear, in which case run, or play dead, or do whatever it is you're supposed to do!)