June 8, 2016 | Online

Hackers have found an interesting way to attack ISIS supporters, by indirectly sending them porn via fake Twitter accounts.
The fake accounts, known as "pornbots," feature graphic sexual images. However, as they do not actually tweet, they are difficult to flag as spam.
They do, however, follow a targeted individual, sometimes in the thousands. Open your "followers" list and all you'll see are boobs and vaginas and graphic sex. A definite no-no for Muslim fundamentalists.
In response, some jihadists have been forced to switch their Twitter accounts to private until they can find a way to stop the deluge of X-rated imagery.
No group has taken responsibility for the pornbots, though some believe that hacker group Anonymous may be behind the online campaign. The group promised to attack ISIS online following the Paris terror attacks last year.
Whoever is creating the pornbots, may we suggest adding some gay porn -- with lots of anal -- to the mix? Their heads might literally explode!
How porn is helping the war on Isis []
Hackers bombard ISIS Twitter accounts with thousands of graphic sexual images using 'pornbots' []