November 18, 2016 | Online

YouTube doesn't like good looking guys prancing around half naked for charity.
The video sharing site blocked the account for being "pornographic."
“Several years ago, the plucky Warwick Rowers were thrown off Google Checkout’s payment processing service without notice -- a decision that was upheld on appeal, on the grounds that the Warwick Rowers are pornographers," said a statement released by the guys. “Today, in a similar vein, YouTube has decided that the rowers’ public awareness campaign aimed at promoting greater tolerance among young people is unsuitable for, uh, young people. Way to go, Google!"
Each year the rowers release a calendar to help raise money for the rowing programme at the University of Warwick and (which promotes inclusiveness in sports, with a particular focus on the LGBT community). YouTube, of course, is a major part of each calendar's PR campaign.
While all this was happening, the rowers were also seeking help from Google to stop a user from illegally sharing their content. Google refused several requests, and only took action following threats of legal action.
Of course, the issue is bigger than just YouTube. Twitter and Facebook and Instagram have all been accused of taking a harsher stance against sex and sexuality and nudity than gore and violence and hate. Spending as much time searching the Web as we do, we've seen violently racist and homophobic material remain on social media long after it's been flagged. We've also had non-pornographic images that reveal a hint of cock cleavage or the shadow of a bulge get banned within hours.
If you are curious about what gets censored and what doesn't you can check out .
Luckily, at last check, the boys are and, hopefully, are still able to post new videos. And this also gives us an excuse to post some more pics of these fine young men.