We have to admit that we've been crushing on Jeremy Stevens for some time now, He's a super hot, and super versatile stud who has appeared for several of the big studios.
But we fell even harder after getting the chance to talk to him. He's adorable, even if he is a bit of a twat waffle!
sysnab.ru: Three words that best describe you.
Jeremy Stevens: I had to ask my roommate to describe me, and he said "outgoing, modest and caring." I said, "Really? I would have thought greedy, arrogant and self absorbed." He then punched me in the shoulder and called me a twat waffle. We have been best friends for 9 years so I am going to have to go with twat waffle.
Do you remember the first porn you ever watched?
I don't remember the name of the first porn I watched but I do remember that it was straight porn and that I watched it with this guy that my mother was dating at the time. It was really kinda hot because I had a huge crush on this guy and the whole time I was fantasizing that it was me and him having sex.
How did you get into porn?
I was go-go dancing at one of my regular spots and one of the other dancers was Brody Wilde. He suggested that I do a photo shoot with him and eventually I did; the pictures from that shoot were forwarded to FabScout and I was contacted a few days later. I was SO excited when I got that phone call, and I have been having a great time and meeting a lot of really great people along the way.
You top and bottom on screen ... which do you prefer and why?
I can honestly say that I don't prefer one over the other. I love a nice tight ass, grabbing it, slapping it, eating it and most of all fucking it. On the same note I also love having all of those things done to mine. As much as I like to fuck there are days when I just want to be fucked in half!
Advice time: what is one tip you can give to someone to make them a better top?
I have always felt that in order to be a really good top you have to know what it feels like to bottom.
And a better bottom?
As far as being a better bottom....I am still trying to better myself in that respect. I constantly have to remind myself to relax. On that note any power bottoms that would like to share some insight with me would be greatly appreciated!
Who was your favorite scene partner?
I have worked with so many talented and sexy performers it seems unfair to name just one of them as my favorite, but if I have to narrow it down I would have to go with Christopher Daniels. Obviously he is fucking stunning but he is also a really cool guy. We had a crazy hot scene [coming out October 18 from ] and afterward we were able to enjoy the rest of the night hanging out together in New York. It was a great experience that I won't soon forget. "We will always have NY!"
Is there anyone in the world you'd love to shoot a scene with?
Definitely that hot muscle bear Santa Clause from the gay Xmas cards. WOOF!! The scene would go something like this: I would be sleeping on the couch having passed out from drinking too much eggnog and he would kick down the door and come in, throw me over his knee and spank me till I apologize for being a bad boy all year. Then as my reward I would get to "sit on his lap" until he left his milk on my cookie.
... Or maybe Joe Mangeniello (Alcide Herveaux from True Blood).
Do you have any regrets about getting into porn?
I have no regrets. I love my job.
Is there someone special in your life?
It's complicated. I have someone that I would like to be someone special in my life but at this time he is not my boyfriend.
What attracted you to him?
First impression was his stature and his tattoos. I love a muscle man with tattoos.
Do you find it difficult to date as a porn star?
I find it very hard to date. In fact I'm told I'm hard to date. I am very outgoing and friendly and when people see this is makes me seem very approachable, and that can be taxing on a relationship. So when I am asked why I am single my response is always "I'm single by choice." Hopefully that will change.
If not porn, what would you be doing?
I am still working out the kinks. I have been working to support myself since I was 16 so I have had many jobs. The one most important thing that I have learned from doing porn is that no matter what I do after, I'm going to be my own boss. I'm currently studying for the N.A.S.M. certification so I will always have Personal Training to fall back on. There are so many other creative venues at the moment, though, so I'm just going to explore my options!